Monday, January 28, 2008

I stole this quote from my friend and I really like it

"Watch your thoughts. They become words.
Watch your words. They become actions.
Watch your actions. They become habits.
Watch your habits. They become character.
Watch your character. It becomes your destiny."
- Frank Outlaw

Saturday, January 26, 2008

read this nice poem I saw on the subway

"Tell All the Truth" by Emily Dickinson:

Tell all the truth but
tell it slant-
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our
infirm delight
The Truth's superb suprise

As lightning to the
Children eased
With explanation kind
The truth must dazzle
Or every many be blind

I am now a blogger!

Wow, I finally did it! I now have a blog! Feel free to come here, read my posts and leave comments. Enjoy!